SHP is happy to announce Nurse Brittany at Beaver County Jail for being July’s Employee of the Month. Brittany has been an exceptional employee and has grown in her correctional nursing career. She is always up for a challenge and willing to lend a hand to ensure excellent patient care.
“Brittany wears many hats here. She is the RN oversight, the Psych RN, Chronic Care Nurse and works with our MD when here. As well as taking care of the fort when I am not on site.”
"She has really gone above and beyond her duties. Brittany is always willing to help others in addition to her own job duties. She deserves a special recognition for this!"
Brittany’s willingness to help others and her commitment to excellence is an inspiration to us all and we are proud to have her as a part of the SHP team. Keep up the great work Brittany!